Amanda Palmer Today, You Tomorrow
Like many other sections economies, the musical folks who have an advantage, often do well with the tools the Internet provides.
The best example is crowd funding.
The bands and musicians who rake in the most pledges and backers are the ones who initially had the major label support in the 90s or 2000s…
Amanda Palmer started a Patreon campaign yesterday, and I’m guessing it’s the highest generator of pledges Patreon has seen so far. 2000+ people have pledged to support Palmer, exceeding 20K in two days.
Let’s not get cynical about this.
Yes, Palmer is more well off than the average, successful musician. Yes, she is partially generating big number because of her initial major label works a decade ago; but the success is more because of her continual work ethic, her continual connecting to her fans, her continual risk taking, her continual dedication to making art and music that moves her.
She’s creating and connecting and continuing. All artists/creators should aim for these three Cs.
* * * * * * * *
The big campaigns get the headlines, but let’s not lose sight of the little victories.
My wife self-published her first book with the help of 188 backers two years ago.
Sure, we didn’t make a headline from her campaign, but the small successes are just as important at the beginning of a career, as the big successes in the middle of the career.
Watching Amanda Palmer’s journey is a reminder of an important theme, one more important than money or numbers or even crowd funding itself.
The theme is go do it, now. All artists must accept risk. All creators must continue to make things. Nothing is stopping us from making something except ourselves.
Go create, connect, and continue.
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