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Procrastination, creativity’s biggest enemy

2013 August 6

Yesterday, my cousin Kirk told me his father David requested in lieu of flowers that family and friends make a donation to Michigan Radio.

(Read yesterday’s blog about Senator David Plawecki and the power of positive political spirit here.)

I instantly realized how I’ve procrastinated giving a donation to an NPR station for eight years. Leave it to David to be still making a difference after he’s left us.

As a teacher and musician, I’ve learned early in my career that creativity’s biggest enemy is probably procrastination.

David Plawecki was elected to the Michigan Senate at the age of 22. The same age I was speaking in front of my first classroom, David was taking the floor of the senate.

This reminds me of the column Natalie wrote for the Bridge in June about how the youth today aren’t actually politically indifferent, but that their engagement doesn’t look the same as our parents’. But that our involvement in direct politics is disturbingly low.

Procrastination, not only an enemy to creativity but an enemy to change. How many times this year have our Michigan politicians kicked the can down the the road for later? I criticize, but I’m guilty of it too.

I’ll be making a donation to Michigan Radio finally, but more importantly, I’ll be reminding myself to fight the urge to say, “I’ll do that next year, next month, next week, tomorrow.”


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