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Losing Your Keys

2011 July 14
by Mike Vial

My mom is really good at finding lost stuff in the house. She’s got St. Anthony on speed dial.

Now, she might be an expert because she misplaces her sunglasses and keys multiple times a day. (Ha, ha! sorry Mom!) However, I don’t think that’s the only reason. We all lose stuff, but how come my mom can always find often do we find it when we really need it?

No, my mom is really good at finding lost items because she’s just so damn persistent. She won’t give up! She looks everywhere. Tears up the drawers. Looks through ten purses. Checks every table in every room.

I’ve heard the stereotype, “Men never find lost things because they only look in the places it should be.” I laugh at this, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. We must also add, “–and then give up.” If it’s not where it’s supposed to be, I give up.

Not just men, but musicians and songwriters too. Musicians often lose dreams. Songwriters often lose inspiration to write new songs. Sure, finding your lost dreams and inspiration might seem different than finding your lost keys, but I don’t think so. It takes the same thing: Persistent. You need to look everywhere for them. Tear up the house. Tear up your life. Tear up your heart.

Yep, right next to those lost keys are those dreams and future songs. You’ll find them. They are simply somewhere else than where they should be.

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