A2SF Tonight: An open letter to Dave Boutette & Kristi Lynn Davis warning you about two, little concert attendees!
2019 June 25

An open letter to Dave Boutette & Kristi Lynn Davis:
I apologize in advance to Dave & Kristi for the ruckus my two & four year old may cause during their Ann Arbor Summer Festival: Top of the Park performance tonight.
It will be distracting–maybe for bandmates, maybe for attendees, definitely for parents of said children.
I told my kids bands are playing! Ginny replied that she already *knew* this, that she’s bringing her woofer guitar, Frozen microphone, and Melissa & Doug xylophone to the festival. (Her agent booked her, didn’t you know?) Alton, in response to Ginny’s discussion of band practice, has been carrying around his DJ robot that plays baby dubstep songs. These two can’t agree on genres.
I promise to confiscate these items before we pack the car, but contrabrand is going to get through the gate.
In the past, Ginny has assumed she can rush the stage or be a roadie, like when I played last year. We are prepared for this; we are bringing extra security (Nana). However, if there are bubbles at the Kidzone tent, Alton will ecstatically lose his mind again, turning A2SF into a toddler rave. It’s the bubbles that cause concern, where security might lose control of the situation.
Dave, I plan to see you around 5, but it takes 45 minutes to get two children in their car seats. We may arrive fashionable late. Also, I request your song “Dixboro,” if requests are encouraged. Anything Ginny requests (Disney songs) is best ignored.
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