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Let’s stop giving torrenting Kanye attention

2016 March 4
by Mike Vial

I hate to discuss it, so I’ll begin with an Oscar Wilde quote:

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” – Wilde

I’m know I’m feeding the fire writing about Kanye’s blunder, but it’s important to remove the curtain from the smoke-and-mirrors of the music industry from time to time, so we remember that the music is the important thing.

The normal smoke-and-mirrors of the music biz is manipulating the press*.

So that tweet Kanye posted with the screen shot of his computer, with the Bittorrent site in his browser? Yeah, that’s deplorable. EDM artist ttwwrrss (Towers) tweeted my favorite response:

But that’s not only what annoys me, how a successful artist steals software; yet tells Zuckerberg to give him a giant check. You think Kanye didn’t pause to think about what’s in his browser before posting a screenshot to millions of followers? Come on.

But there is no such thing as bad press; Irish “drinker with a writing problem” Brendan Behan said it better:

“There’s no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.” – Behan

So instead of giving Kanye anymore unwarranted attention, go support some local music in your community. Let me lead you to one artist: go back my friend Josh Woodward’s Kickstarter campaign for his 12th album, a songwriting talent who survives without manipulating the press, but by putting his music first and working on it every day.

Plus, all of his music is on Creative Commons. (Kanye, you can go download it from Josh’s site without even torrenting it, if you want.)

*PS: Did you watch the BBC Documentary, Myth Makers for Pop Music? Watch it here. Fascinating!)
**PPS: Yes, and I’ll admit us indie artists need publicity, too. Sigh.


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