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How long can music companies be in the red?

2016 February 12
by Mike Vial

Streaming sites are inevitably the future (actually the present), but will they be inevitably profitable as companies?

Here’s a rundown of some streaming companies’ profitability:

While I understand a need for investment before a company hits its stride, as of 2016, I’m scratching my head wondering if this system is working for anyone other than the grazing consumer.

Oh, and the CEOs in their 14 bathroom mansions.

Bandcamp and Patreon might be the only companies that really put creators first.

But the public hasn’t embraced these companies in larger numbers as it has Spotify, Pandora, iTunes (now Apple Music) and Youtube; and the obvious reason for this is the major labels’ artists aren’t found on these sites built on Indie-creed. Popularity breeds popularity.

But this time, popularity is not breeding sustainability.












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