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The power of the simple, immediately applicable idea

2015 December 8
by Mike Vial

I watched Derek Siver’s WDS talk yesterday about the things he learned starting CDBaby.

It’s superb, full of many big and small lessons for the entrepreneur.

My favorite part? When he says, “I change the color on the PowerPoint when I change topics.” Wait, what? Why didn’t I think of that as a teacher!? Boom, now a technique I can employ!

Later in the day, I watched a lecture by Martin Atkins where he describes a PR ideas for music, including a brochure he did  SXSW visit. He thought the “win $4000 of music gear” was going to be thing that got everyone’s attention on the brochure.

Nope, the favorite part of attendees was the $1 off the local pizzeria.

Don’t forget, the simple and immediate ideas can make a powerful impact!



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