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A + X = predetermined outcome

2015 November 18
by Mike Vial

When making and promoting our art, we often feel like we are throwing darts at a dartboard, even the wall and hoping to hit a dartboard.

It’s like this equation:

A + B = ?

A = Music
B = promoting it
? = Whatever happens! (luck, fate, or random!)

I like how songwriter Billy Mann presents a different equation here:

Mann’s idea:
A + X = predetermined outcome.

The predetermined outcome should be something we can control, something we really value, something about the way we want to live. And this can apply to our moments in business.

It might be as simple as:

A = get a meeting with a publisher
Predetermined outcome = I want to represent my music well and share a positive message
X = Being an active listener, sharing my song, but not conforming my music.

Sure, there isn’t a guarantee for “make a lot of money” with this equation, but there isn’t a guarantee anyways.

So focus on what you control. We often find what makes us happy when we define the predetermined outcome, and let X lead us there.

A photo posted by Mike Vial (@mikevial) on



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