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Claudia the Crazy Cat

2015 November 16
by Mike Vial

Before leaving for my gig travels to Ohio last weekend, I noticed I only had two Burning the Boats CDs left. I wondered their fate, who would be the kind supporters of music that buy the last ones?

Ashley, the booking manager/bartender at Taffy’s was one of them. (The unsung heroes are in the little corners of the music industry. Thanks, Ashley!)

The other last one was sold to Claudia the Crazy Cat.

After my set at Six String Concerts, Claudia came up to me at the merch table bought all my merch, and asked me to sign my CDs. Claudia said, “You can sign them to Claudia the Crazy Cat! That’s what my friends call me!”

Claudia shared some unique stories about her love of live music, and Six String Concerts series, which is celebrating its 28th season!

I signed the CDs and waited for her to take them from me. One of the volunteers at Six Strings, whispered in my ear, “Mike, she’s blind.” Claudia was waiting for me to put the CDs in her hands. I didn’t notice her walking cane, leaning against the table.

CDs sales are ending, but I’m happy to know one of the last Burning the Boats is in Claudia’s hands. It’s you crazy, music-loving cats that make these travels worth it.

Six String Concerts, photo credit Jim Grigsby

Diana Jones at Six String Concerts, photo credit Jim Grigsby


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