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Removing sportsmanship from art

2015 November 9
by Mike Vial

What I love about art (writing, music, etc) is how one doesn’t need to be the fastest, strongest, biggest to find success.

Art is a great equalizer.* Usually, it has a low barrier to entry. (Get a pencil, a piece of paper, and go.)

And now with Youtube videos galore and many mentors available via Skype, the self-motivated learner can carve a classroom right at their computer, even mobile device.

The teamwork of sportsmanship is a valuable theme to keep in the artist community, but art is more like achieving a personal record (running, golf, etc.). Sure, competitive natures do inspire great art (Beach Boys and the Beatles), but it’s not the overall point of the “game”!

No, an artist doesn’t need to be the fastest to the finish line; the artist simply needs to be relentless.

[*Note, let’s not be naive and say the same about the business of art.]


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