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The mistakes remain the same…

2015 October 8
by Mike Vial

A lot has changed in five years, let alone 10.

When I decided to leave Holly High School to hit the road, the school was in it’s first year of using Macbooks as their main computers and Gmail as their email client. Justin Timberlake was trying to resurrect Myspace. Spotify had just arrived to the States, yet still wasn’t available in Canada. Gas prices were reaching $4 to $5 a gallon. (Terrible years to start touring!)

Years later, and everything looks different, again! Gas prices have lowered, but streaming payout rates might have too. Organic reach on Facebook is zero, are boasting posts worth it? Is anyone actually using Twitter anymore? Do I really need to start using Periscope? Should I order CDs for the next release? Blah, blah, blah…I know I’m not alone in saying it’s difficult to keep up with everything that’s changing, so let’s take comfort in fact that we are not alone in feeling overwhelmed.

However, while let’s also take comfort in the fact that the tools change, but the mistakes remain the same, don’t they?

Here’s a list of success killers we see everywhere, from a classroom, office, or backseat of the tour van:
A bad attitude, procrastination, disorganization, hesitation, poor financial management; losing sight of what makes you happy, chasing trends, changing yourself to fit into a crowd; being dishonest, taking people for granted; doing the same thing over-and-over again, yet expecting different results…

It’s easy to focus on the new tools; but nothing beats a positive mental attitude, a work-ethic, and an ability to make decisions that fit your vision. And contrary to popular belief, these abilities are learned, not genetically programed into our DNA.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by everything that’s changing, take comfort in the fact that the most important things that never change.

Ontario's 402

Ontario’s 402 in the heart of weather, a great metaphor for the road to success in music!


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