The first, second, and third sign your art is good
You never 100% know when your art* is going to resonate with someone.
You might have a hunch, you can make predictions; but every time you share work, you will be surprised.
That scene that really loves a songwriter that influences you? They might yawn. You get to open for said artist? They might talk during your set. Happens all the time! (Some people call this paying your dues.)
But then, after you finish your last song, and stand in the back of the venue, there might be one, shy person who walks up to you and whispers, “Your song changed my life.”
One person makes all the difference.
That’s why you should release your work. The first sign that our art is good is it changed us when we made it. The second sign is one person comes up to us and says it changed them. The third sign is unpredictable, for the masses and the media embrace art for different reasons.
Always aim for changing yourself, and one person; then work on another piece, and do it again.
* * *
*Teaching is an art, and a lesson plan is often the same way!
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