Let’s Play the Numbers Game
2015 January 20
Musicians, writers, artists, creators, let’s play the numbers game!
The numbers we shouldn’t worry about counting:
How many:
- followers do I have on Twitter?
- likes does my page on Facebook have?
- subscribers does my Youtube channel have?
- [insert numbers] other musicians have in comparison to myself?
- negative comments did my work receive by anonymous trolls?
- pieces of my gear are the most expensive, industry standard?
- bad things could happen if I release this work?
- times did a famous person get written about in the news?
The numbers we should be counting:
How many:
- hours did I spend working today?
- hours did I read something thought-provoking?
- writing sessions have I challenged myself?
- projects have I created this week, this month, this year?
- moments have I improved my craft?
- times have I shared inspiration with others?
- compliments have I shared with others creators?
- times did I beat procrastination?
As creators, we often view our artistic-life like dieting. We step on the scale too often, and measure things that really don’t matter.
What matters is having a healthy artistic life.
Let’s stop counting, go create.
PS: I don’t know where to put, “How many cups of coffee have I had today?”
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