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Warts, Art, and Aliens

2014 July 11
by Mike Vial

When Britney Spears’s warm-up vocal track of “Alien” was leaked this week, I am shameful to admit that I clicked the click-bait.

After listening to it, and reading the producer’s thoughts on the matter, I wondered, “What would people think of my test vocals from my sessions at Catherine North Studios?” (They weren’t pretty!)

Creators of any kind must be courageous when releasing a project. And there are a million moments where our fear might tell us, “Don’t finish this. Don’t release this. Don’t even start this project.”

Now, in the digital-age, we face the additional fear of our warts being released publicly. But the game of creating really hasn’t changed. There is nothing alien to facing our fears when we are creating art or finishing a project.

If we listen to Britney’s vocal track, the only thing worth considering is it’s a reminder to quiet the voices in our heads that are scared of the warts that might show up during the creation process.

Not every take, sketch, idea, draft or trial will be beautiful; warts are a natural part of the journey of completing art we will be proud of releasing when it’s done.


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