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St Patrick’s Day Reminder

2014 March 16
by Mike Vial

St. Patrick’s Day holds a paradoxical place in my musical heart:

A. I love this day.
Live music is guaranteed to be booked; people are excited to be partying; stout beer is tasty!

B. I fear this day.
Loading in gear is a nightmare; some folks get intoxicated and belligerent; watered-down, green beer is gross!

Last year’s St Patrick’s Day, I performed nine hours of music at three different bars in three different cities. When I returned home at 1 AM, Natalie asked, “How was your day o’ gigs?”

I couldn’t answer her; my voice was shot from over singing.

I wanted to tell her how one drunk guy spit on me because I wouldn’t play “Whiskey in a Jar” again. (I had already sang it in my set; drunk guy forgot.) But hey, I made enough money to pay rent in one day!

This St. Patrick’s Day weekend has been great.

I’ve enjoyed this weekend of gigs, so far. Bar patrons have been nice, my tip jar has been full, and the sing-a-longs last night at mash reenergized me!

But I when I woke up and saw my friend Connor’s tweet about his dad getting hit by a drunk driver last night, I felt that bitter taste in my mouth, again. (Connor’s dad’s OK)

I want to throw out the common reminder–especially you musicians performing tomorrow–to be safe, especially when you are driving home from your gigs. Watch out for those patrons who are slurring their requests for “Freebird”; they will be the same ones swerving on the road.

And let’s do our best to prevent drunk driving.

People don’t make safe decisions when they’re intoxicated, which is why they need to plan their nights before-hand, when they are sober.

Have your designated drivers ready. Have that taxi cab number programmed in your phone. Have a planned limit to how much you will drink.

And don’t forget to tip your waitstaff and bartenders (and maybe musicians) extra well! Remember, they are most likely sober, exhausted, and trying to survive the night without getting spit on…

* * * St Patrick’s Day Gig * * *

Tomorrow, I’ll be performing from 10 AM to 1 PM at Claddagh Irish Pub in Lansing, accompanied by the talented Garret Schmittling!


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