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It was my wife’s birthday yesterday, and here are seven reasons she’s awesome.

2014 January 9
by Mike Vial

Yesterday, Natalie celebrated her birthday in true Ann Arbor style, including a wonderful dinner at the new Aventura.

Today, I thought I’d share seven wonderful things Nat has taught me through her actions, because she’s pretty much the best person ever.

1. Be brave

Nat’s the bravest person I know. (If you’ve read her memoir about surviving a cult farm and indentured servitude in Sweden, then you know this already!) I wouldn’t have had the courage to do music without her e encouragement.

2. Speak your mind, and from the heart

If you follow Nat’s Facebook posts or read her monthly column for the Bridge, you know Nat is an outspoken, unapologetic, thoughtful feminist. Speaking one’s mind allows us to find our own voice.

3. Be patient

Nat and I post a little too much about our energetic dog, Lois, but we love our big dum-dum! However, I’ll admit, Nat’s the one that reminds me to be patient with our pup, as well as with myself and with life.

4. Family comes first

Between Texas and Florida, let alone trips up north, we miss Nat’s family quite a bit, but Nat has shown me how important it is to put family first, and make the most of quality time when we can.

5. Have a positive attitude

This might be the most important life lesson I need reminded. Nat told me, “We need positive energy to make these creative careers work!” I’ve let that guide me since, and do my best to realign myself when I get pessimistic.

6. Be organized

Seven–the number of white boards we use in our house, all full of goals, writing ideas, agendas and lists.

7. Take risks and have fun

I find my biggest fear is facing the feeling of fear, and Nat’s willingness to speak in front of crowd, share her ideas, and share her work reminds us it’s more fun to beat our fears.

Happy Birthday, Nat!


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