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2014 January 5
by Mike Vial

New year resolutions always force me to face a paradox about myself: I am extremely hard-working and also extremely lazy.

For example, I’ll practice piano everyday; but add the task having to set up the gear, and I will neglect it for months.

I think that’s why I was drawn to playing acoustic guitar more than electric guitar, especially while living in cramped college dorms. No set-up required! Pick-up and play!

Today I was inspired by my friend Dave Stanley’s blog titled, “No more resolutions.” I decided to make a different styled change for 2014.

Instead of forcing myself to change, I’ve changed my environment. I’ve eliminated the middle steps that I know will interfere with my three simple goals (practice piano more, read more, write more).

For example, I rearranged my entire office so my keyboard is always set-up.

I put all of the books I own (but haven’t read) on one shelf, just in reach.

I’ve placed my writing notebook and “quick ideas” recorder on my desk.

No more searching. No more set-up. Just sit down and work.

I know I should be less lazy, but I also know how I am. Why pretend otherwise? I’m just not giving my lazy side a chance.


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