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The Blimpy Burger Controversy

2013 December 16
by Mike Vial

Today, MLive ran a story about Blimpy Burger‘s IndieGoGo campaign, and the comments section exploded…

It’s unfortunate, but Blimpy Burger has joined the many ranks of those criticized for crowdfunding.

This is a business who had lines out the door in support during the days leading up to the forced closure; but the tides can appear to change quickly in the comments section when media brings attention; often misinformed tides.

Note how many commenters missed a main point of the article, that the owner of the property sold the site to U of M, and Blimpie did not receive any money for that sale; they were a leaser, not owner!

And yes, one pertinent question remains unaddressed in the article.  (What happens to the money raised through an IndieGoGo Campaign if Blimpy can’t deliver?) But that’s the risk of supporting anything. And as of now, 156 have not only given some financial support, but also their vote of confidence.

* * * * *

The Blimpie Burger crowdfunding campaign reminds the artist or creator, again, that:

1. you must focus on your supporters and ignore criticizers;

2. you must be impeccable with your word choice during campaigns;

3. you must expect to face criticism if you get media attention; and

4. you must expect grazers of the article to fall into one, or all, of these categories: they don’t read well; they misconstrue information; they might quickly, anonymously criticize in the comment section; they never would have supported your project anyway.

More importantly, the creators and artists are reminded to ignore the comment section, and focus on the supporters. Just because the tides seem to change in the comment section, doesn’t mean the tides actually changed.


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