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Creative Accidents

2013 November 20
by Mike Vial

Today, a creative accident happened.

At my last bar gig, a lady came up and asked me to play “She Talk’s to Angels.” I hesitated because I only had time to play one more song, and I was feeling lazy. (I didn’t want to retune the guitar to DADF#AD*.)

But I ignored my laziness, retuned, the guitar, and closed the gig with the requested song.

This morning, I pulled out the guitar I used for that gig, and it was still tuned in the opening tuning. Unplanned, I strummed for fun in the unfamiliar territory (I don’t use open-tunings often), and found a new chord progression; maybe a new song will arise from it!

I have found that writer’s block isn’t necessary about a writer being out of ideas, but being closed off.

Thank you to the person who requested the Black Crowes’s tune!

* * * *

*Guitarists, I use DADF#AD instead of open E to play “She Talks to Angel” to fit my vocal range. Same chord forms work!


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