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Who Cares about Country Music’s Identify Crisis on Radio?

2013 October 8
by Mike Vial

Complaining about the identity of a music genre based on current radio formats seems silly now a days.

Let’s consider the current country music crisis: “How country music went crazy: A comprehensive timeline of the genre’s identity crisis”

I know genres change and people get upset, but it seems like the only people who care about the country crisis are those at the top of the food chain. While radio is still the way most new music is heard, how most new country singles are digested, which equals sales, it’s impact lessens each year, heck each quarter.

The kicker: If you go to Youtube and search “Johnny Cash cover,” 925,000 results pop up. Search George Jones cover: 473,000 results.

We live in a time where people are discovering more and more music every day,  without the radio. Genres are going to be blending, but music fans will study the history of originators through Youtube and websites…

Country is doing just fine, unless all you listen to is top-40 radio formats. And if that’s the case, than one could argue an identity crisis for any type of music.


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