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Gov. Shutdown: Pretending It Doesn’t Affect Us

2013 October 2
by Mike Vial

On day one of the federal government shutdown, any talk show host or news anchor who parroted the idea that the “shutdown won’t affect many people” lost credibility in reporting.

It’s not that the government shutdown will be felt by many of us, immediately. But you would never hear a news anchor or host say that type of statement about a natural disaster. That would be insensitive, and stupid.

When I was in the middle of my fall tour, the major flood in Colorado happened. I’ll admit, I didn’t feel it happen. I don’t live in Colorado. I wasn’t traveling to Colorado on tour. I don’t have friends or business contacts there. The family I know living in Colorado weren’t in the areas of flooding.

But it still affects my country, my economy, my friends and family who know people there, my thoughts…It affects me.

Yesterday, I didn’t feel the government shutdown, but my wife’s newly married cousin did. Ashley and her husband Mark planned on visiting national parks on their honeymoon, which started yesterday. The parks were closed. There goes their honeymoon plans.

They felt the government shutdown. And their story affects me. And I hope it affects you.

Let’s stop pretending this type of governing is acceptable.


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