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Spotify has landed, and yes Sonicbids should care

2011 July 20
by Mike Vial

Did you read Lou’s Sonicbid’s article saying Spotify might be too late to muster consumers in the US? I disagree, and here are four refutations to the article’s four main points:

1. Downloading an app is not an inconvenience, just like downloading iTunes wasn’t (when I used a PC). Just like downloading an app on my iPhone isn’t an inconvenience. Having this app ensures how well the streaming process works. Plus, comparing Pandora to Spotify is like comparing Tape Decks to CDs. Just because they both play music, doesn’t mean they offer the same experience.

2. Arguing the free option won’t last forever doesn’t refute the goal of Spotify’s trial system–in encouraging people to try it! It’s free now so people find out how valuable it is. The free option is how people are going to get hooked, just like how Netflix sends out free month trials. Once people see how amazing it is for $5 or $10 it will make music as addictive as heroin. Sure, this service might go up in price, like Netflix just did, but once there is a market for this type of product, this might encourage competition down the road.

3. Speaking of competition, I agree the best interface is important, but I think the service with the best streaming capabilities and the largest catalogue will win. I haven’t used the other streaming sites mentioned in Sonicbids article. You can tell me your thoughts if you have. OSNews already has already commented, with Spotify offering more music. That’s more important.

4. Itunes Match – Yeah, there could be competition here, but I think Apple doesn’t see itself in this business. Their recent earning margins show iTunes song sales aren’t very important in their revenue. It’s the iPad, iPhone, Apple Air and Macbook Pros that are continually selling beyond predictions. Apple has always seen itself as a hardware seller, and Spotify (like Netflix) encourages more iPad and iPhone sales.

I also don’t see Apple making a streaming product that works on Android, yet Spotify works on a variety of smart phones.  Oh, and let’s not forget the forgettable Apple Ping failure! Spotify uses Facebook to share songs back and forth between friends, which I’ve been doing with my friend Alan instantly.  (PS: I’m waiting for more of you Facebook friends to start using Spotify so we can share! Come on!)

* * *
Honestly, I think Sonicbids should start brainstorming ways Spotify can be used in their own company model. Listening parties, indie artists using Spotify statistics to motiviate gig pitches, teaming opening acts in market–There is a wealth of information the major labels are discovering with Spotify statistics, as Bob Lefsetz said in his blog, and I wonder if indie artists will one day have access to this information as well. I’d rather hear how Sonicbids is being cutting edge than critical when it comes to Spotify.

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