Dispatches from Room D127, Day 19
Room D127 exhaled its anxious breathe, after the final bell rang during the 19th day of pandemic teaching.
One would assume I would have rested after my kids were down for the night, but my mind was racing. I had been awake for 18 hours, but I couldn’t sleep. So I commented and graded on my students’ work.
Silly? No. I don’t want to work when my kids want to spend time with me on Saturday and Sunday.
But I can handle the work. It’s the unknowns about health and safety that is wearing me thin.
Consider history: The virus had an invisible seat in the room in 1919, and President Wilson most likely contracted H1N1 during WWI peace negotiations in Paris. Day 19, my Greek myth class discussed the Pandora’s box myth. Even though the story reveals how pestilence came to the world, the last thing to depart from the open chest is hope.
Keep hope alive, friends and family. D127 hopes we can do this right before winter complicates things.
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